FREE Webinars About Coronavirus سلسلة ندوات مجانية عبر الإنترنت عن فيروس كورونا
“Latest Updates About How to Better Protect Yourself From COVID-19!” آخر التحديثات حول كيفية حماية نفسك بشكل أفضل من فيروس كورونا
EXPERTS in the field discussed the following:
- Brief overview
- Latest updates about Coronavirus
- Best steps to take for prevention (what to do, how to raise your immune system, how to act… what to do with pets… how much sanitizer to use… how to make sure it doesn’t infect your car…)
- Procedures to follow if self-quarantined/if virus contracted/if caring for a family member.
- How can we help our community?
- Personal insights & Final advice
- Live Testimony from someone currently fighting Coronavirus!
- Q & A
خبراء قدموا آخر التحديثات حول فيروس كورونا، وأفضل الخطوات التي يجب اتخاذها للوقاية، والإجراءات الواجب اتباعها في حالة العزلة الذاتية / في حالة الإصابة بالفيروس / أو في حالة رعاية أحد أفراد الأسرة المصاب به
DATES AND TIMES : (Different experts on each date)
Number of Participants/Attendees in Each COVID-19 Webinar (According to Zoom)
Top 10 Countries Represented
Language: English (Intermittent translation into Arabic) اللغة: الإنجليزية — سيتم توفير ترجمة للعربية بشكل متقطع Click here to convert the time to YOUR own time zone… type your country in the rectangle on the right! انقري هنا لتحويل الوقت إلى منطقتك الزمنية … اكتبي بلدك في المستطيل الموجود على اليمين
Platform: التطبيق
Zoom (very user friendly! Sign-up here for free before the workshop/webinar. If you are on your mobile phone, download the Mobile App “Zoom Cloud Meetings“).
سهل الاستخدام للغاية! اشتركي هنا مجانًا قبل ورشة العمل / الويبينار. إذا كنت تستخدمين هاتفك المحمول فقومي بتنزيل تطبيق Zoom Cloud Meetings
After registering on Zoom, you will receive a UNIQUE LINK to the webinar immediately when you scroll down the registration confirmation page on your computer, AND in an email from “IFWE” ( titled, “IFWE’s FREE Webinar… Confirmation” The link you will receive will be unique to you; do not share it with others, as they would take your slot.
بعد التسجيل في “زوم”، ستتلقين رابطًا فريدًا إلى الويبينار فورًا عند التمرير لأسفل صفحة تأكيد التسجيل على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك ، وفي رسالة بريد إلكتروني من “IFWE’s FREE Webinar… Confirmation” بعنوان سيكون الرابط الذي ستتلقينه فريدًا بالنسبة لك ؛ لا تشاركيه مع الآخرين
VERY IMPORTANT: Make sure you access the webinar at least 30 minutes before the start. Do not forget to sign-up for free beforehand at If you will be on your mobile phone, download the Mobile App “Zoom Cloud Meetings“. اضغطي على الرابط الفريد للوصول إلى الندوة 30 دقيقة قبل بدئها
During the webinar, all attendees will be muted, but you need to make sure your video is on. You will mainly watch and listen; you will, during the webinar, be requested to answer poll questions… You will have the opportunity to ask questions in the chat. If your question is selected, you will have the opportunity to ask it yourself. At the end of the webinar, you will be asked to complete a short survey.
أثناء ندوة الويب، سيتم كتم صوت جميع الحاضرين، لكن عليك التأكد من تشغيل الفيديو الخاص بك. سوف تشاهدين وتستمعين بشكل رئيسي. سيُطلب منك خلال الندوة الإجابة على أسئلة الاستطلاع … ستتاح لك الفرصة لطرح الأسئلة في الدردشة. إذا تم اختيار سؤالك، فستتاح لك الفرصة لطرحه بنفسك. في نهاية الندوة، سيُطلب منك إكمال استبيان قصير
Some pictures from the webinar on March 26…
Some pictures from the webinar on March 28…
Some pictures from the webinar on March 30…
(In alphabetical order)
Adeeb Al-Zoubi, Ph.D., Founding President and Chief Scientific officer, Science, Stem Cells of Arabia, Amman, Jordan; Co-Founder/Director of Research Operations at Advanced Medical Solutions International, Florida, USA. President and Chief Scientific officer Science, Stem Cells of Arabia, Amman, Jordan.
Adeeb does research in stem cell research and therapy, and in Clinical Immunology. Their most current project is ‘Stem cells in male infertility.’ Specialties: stem cell transplantation, biotechnology, molecular immunology, magnetic sorting of cells and biomolecules, molecular immunology, gene therapy and medical device manufacturing.
Shawky Amine Eddine, M.D., Member of the COVID19 Response team at Lebanese Red Cross
Shawky Amine Eddine, Medical doctor with special interest in pre-hospital care, Healthcare quality management and disaster risk management. Has served as an EMT in the Lebanese Red Cross and as Head of station for Damour EMS Station since 2007. Currently acting as LRC Training director and EMS assistant director for training and quality. Had multiple academic contributions to pre-hospital care including development of LRC EMS clinical guidelines, EMT curricula, EMS standards and is the lead author for LRC EMT book. He is currently a member of the COVID19 Response team at LRC.
Eid Azar, M.D., Chief of Division, Infectious Diseases; Spearheading St. George Hospital’s Preparedness Plan Against COVID-19; Director at MICROB research unit; Associate CMO for safety and risk management at Saint George University Medical Center, Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine- Faculty of Medicine, University of Balamand
Dr. Azar is currently a consulting member of the National Committee handling the Coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Azar is also spearheading SGHUMC’s Emergency Preparedness Plan.
Chief of Staff, Associate CMO for Safety, Risk Management, and Infection Prevention and Control, Infectious Diseases Specialist; St. George Hospital University Medical Center. Director at MICROB research unit. Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, University of Balamand.
Dr. Azar is a graduate of the St. Joseph University Medical School, after which he continued his training in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases in NY, USA.
Education: Medical School: University of St. Joseph Medical School Residency: Internal Medicine: Cooper Hospital – N.Y. Infectious Diseases: Beth Israel Medical Center – N.Y. Hospital Affiliations: Saint George Orthodox, Saint Charles, Khoury General-Doctor Center
Roula Eid Sawan, Team, Leadership & Executive Coach, Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Managing Partner at Team in Motion, GM at YCC & MENA Ambassador for FWoC
“Practical tools to reduce stress: be aware of your reactions from an EQ perspective; acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses; and amplify your strengths in order to take appropriate action.”
Roula is the managing partner at TEAM IN MOTION (Specialized Company for team building activities, Team Coaching & personal development training) and is the General Manager of Youth & Culture Center at Zouk Mikael municipality,. She is a Certified Corporate Relationship and Team Coach from ORSC-CRR Global San Francisco ORSCC,ACC holder from ICF (International Coach Federation), team building provider and a personal development trainer… Roula holds a master’s degree in Commercial and Industrial business Administration from St. Joseph University; she also earned the Train of Trainers from UFE. She delivers workshops at several universities such as USJ, ESA & Antonine University-UPA, and she is a motivational speaker. Roula is the Ambassador for the MENA region of the international Organization “Female Wave of Change (FWoC), board member at MEPI LAA (Middle Eastern Partnership Initiative) and is an activist in several NGOs to empower& motivate youth and women. Believing deeply that a woman can lead and be an efficient player in her country’s development, Roula is a member of BPW – Business & Professional Women International. Roula was the Vice-President on the Parents’ Committee at SSCC Sioufi & member at LASIP (Lebanese Association for Sports Injuries Prevention) Roula hosted recently a TV emission called “ #iza-baddek” (which means #if-you-want) and it was an awareness program giving the choice for people to make changes in their skills and shine from within. She gives coaching tips at OTV as part of her bi-weekly TV interventions. Her mission is to create awareness in the community, highlighting the importance of teamwork and communication in our daily lives on the personal and professional levels.
Father Fady El Chidiac, Executive Advisor to the President of Saint Joseph University
Executive Advisor to President at Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth – USJ. Former Graduate Student Researcher at UC Berkeley. Former priest at Our Lady of Lebanon. Studied Mathematics, Science and Technology Education at UC Berkeley.
Khalil Amine El-Helou, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Pharmacy, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut
Retired General Khalil Amine El Helou holds a Ph.D. and a Pharm D. from Saint Joseph University of Beirut (2020 and 1979 respectively), a M.Sc. in food technology from the American University of Beirut (1983), a certificate of Nutrition from “Walter Reed Army Medical Center” (Washington DC – 2000), an officer’s diploma from the Lebanese Army Military Academy (1985), and several military certificates including “rappelling officer certificate” and “caving rescue certificate”. He served for 28 years in the Lebanese Army (1984 – 2012). Currently he is the head of the Nutrition Department of the faculty of Pharmacy of Saint-Joseph University of Beirut. He has several publications in renowned international journals (i.e. Chemosphere, Elsevier, …) related to nutritional and environmental toxicology.
Souha Kanj, M.D., FACP, FIDSA, FRCP, FESCMID, FECMM, Professor of Medicine, Head of the Division of Infectious Diseases, Chairperson of Infection Control Program, Co-director of the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program, American University of Beirut Medical Center
Souha Kanj is currently a tenured Professor of Medicine at the American University of Beirut Medical Center, Lebanon and Consulting Professor at the Duke University Medical Center (DUMC), NC, USA where she also undertook her training in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases (ID). She was an associate at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. She founded the ID transplant program at DUMC before joining AUBMC where she is currently Head of the ID Division, Chair of the Infection Control and Prevention Program, and Co-Chair of the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program. She has published more than 200 manuscripts in international journals such as CID, Lancet ID, and JAMA. She has also been an invited author of numerous book chapters and UpTodate cards and is currently Principal Investigator on research projects on Antimicrobial Resistant (AMR) Bacteria. She has contributed greatly to the work of the WHO in various programs, such as the R&D Blueprint Annual Review of Priority Diseases, the Global Infection Prevention and Control Network, and the WHO Priority Pathogens List for AMR Bacteria. She was elected to the Executive board of the International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (ISAC) and was a co-chair of the Stewardship Study group. She is a member of the Scientific Affairs Subcommittee of The European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID). Dr Kanj is a fellow of the American College of Physicians (FACP), the Infectious Diseases Society of America (FIDSA), The Royal College of Physicians (FRCP), the European Confederation of Medical Mycology (FECMM) and fellow of ESCMID. In 2014, she was invited as a Visiting Scholar Professor at DUMC, and in 2018 at Radboud University Medical Centre (UMC), Nijmegen, Netherlands where she received the Valkhof professorship award. She is the recipient of numerous honours and awards throughout her career, including the Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research award in 2014, the Abdul Hameed Shoman award for researchers in the Arab world in 2017. In 2020 she will receive an Honorary Doctorate degree from Radboud UMC.
Georges Kettaneh, Secretary General of the Lebanese Red Cross
Georges Kettaneh has served in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement for more than 23 years with extensive experience in all aspects of its work. Since 2013, he has been the Secretary General of Lebanese Red Cross. In his previous role, Georges built up Lebanon’s renowned Emergency Medical Services (EMS) network. He also managed emergency relief operations of the Lebanese Red Cross and served asDirector of Operations and Disaster Management. Georges is a member of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Reference Group and a team rapporteur in the general secretariat of the Arab Organisation for the Red Crescent and Red Cross (ARCO), also the Head of the Drafting Committee of the MENA Conference. In Addition, Georges has also served in several Federation and Movement roles and as a member of key national government committees dealing with emergency preparedness and health services: member of the Health Care in Danger and Safer Access Committee, Partnership Movement Group, Resource Mobilisation Committee and a member of the Strengthening Movement Coordination and Cooperation Group. Vice-Chair of the International Conference of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in 2019. Georges is fluent in Arabic, English and French. He graduated in business management and studied law. Subsequently, he has received several postgraduate professional certificates, as well as Government and international awards of appreciation and excellence.
Laila Touqan, Member of the Central Executive Committee, Gender Focal Point, Director of the Vocational Training Center for Women, Jordan National Red Crescent Society (JNRCS)
Laila Touqan has been a volunteer at the Jordan National Red Crescent Society (JNRCS) since 1991. She is member of the Central Executive Committee and their Gender Focal Point (GFP). She is also Director of the Jordan Crescent Vocational Training Center for Women Economic Empowerment, targeting vulnerable Jordanian women and girls and Syrian refugee women and girls. Ms. Touqan’s role as GFP focuses on raising gender awareness among staff and volunteers and the society’s targeted beneficiaries, as well as monitoring gender equity in the activities and programs of the Jordan Red Crescent. Ms. Touqan is member of the Gender Global Network and the IFRC MENA Gender Network.
A BIG THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS Center for Excellence in Languages (CEL): Teaching, Editing, Translating and Interpreting; International Society for Educational Excellence (ISEE), For their Great Support for our Foundation and for Women’s Empowerment!!
Collège Notre-Dame de Jamhour (CNDJ)
Université Saint-Joseph, Beyrouth (USJ), Opération 7ème Jour,
Sagesse High School (SHS), Mary Mother of Wisdom
University of Jordan, Center for Women’s Studies
Amman Center for Human Rights Studies (ACHRS)
General Federation of Jordanian Women (GFJW)
Business and Professional Women Amman (BPWA)
Shamaa Charity Association جمعية الشمعة الخيريه
Center for Inclusive Business and Leadership for Women (CIBL.W) at AUB
Women in Data Sciences at the American University of Beirut (WiDS, AUB)
United Earth, The New Nobel Legacy


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